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What We Believe

Our Mission, Vision and Values communicate not only our aspirations, but give voice to the heart behind all action in our district. Our words are intentional — we unabashedly and unequivocally put students at the center.

Our Mission

To become a justice-centered school community who fuels the unique genius of each student. 

Vision Statement

Brooklyn Center Community Schools endeavors to be a collective who demonstrates passion, pride and perseverance. 

We will fiercely lead the way in justice-centered education, striving against the permanence of racism and oppressive systems while embracing a future where our diversity fuels learning. 

With every breath in our bodies, every ounce of influence we possess, and through every challenge, we stand front and center with the young people we love and serve. 

BCCS Core Values

Written on a foundation of student voice, our district core values communicate the culture and character of Brooklyn Center Community Schools.

Land Acknowledgement

Brooklyn Center Community Schools acknowledges that we occupy the unceded ancestral and contemporary lands of the Dakota people. We also recognize the Anishinaabeg/Ojibwe whose lands were colonized by the United States and are currently occupied by the State of Minnesota. Our community sits upriver from Bdoté, the place where two rivers meet and most importantly, the center of Dakota spirituality and history. We commit to the work of being a justice-centered school community. Together, we will work to decolonize our minds and spaces, and to be good stewards to Mni Sota Makoce and good relatives to each other.