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Staff Wellness & Health Resources

BCCS Employee Wellbeing and Health Immediate-Need Resources

  • Sand Creek Employee Assistance Program (staff intranet login required): Access portal (direct access using company code bccschools) or call 888.243.5744

    • Financial, legal and coaching services available 

    • Mental health (6 free therapy sessions per incident)

  • 1:1 or Semi-private Appointments: A suite of employee wellbeing services are available, onsite, scheduled at the employee's convenience and free. Schedule at booking site and sample schedule. If the times available do not meet your need, email to schedule directly. 

  • Monthly Moments of Wellness: Staff have access to a paid monthly "moment" of wellness to take a break from the demands of work and engage in an activity to increase a sense of wellbeing. The moments of wellness are scheduled through team supervisors and are part of the duty day, with the guidelines being that staff remain clocked in and/or are within the duty day and remain on campus for liability purposes. Explore suggestions on the "30 Ways To Use Your Monthly Moment of Wellness" list. 

  • NeoPath Health (staff intranet login required)
    • Call 763.561.2120, x3255 or visit the patient portal (direct access)
      • Health care, prescription, referral services and more
  • Mental Health Crisis Resources: 

    • Mental Health crisis support number Call 988

    • Hennepin County Mental Health Crisis: 1-612-596-1223

    • NAMI MN mental health resources


  • Do It Now Resources: 

    • Staff Serenity Spaces: Rooms provided in each district building to encourage restoration, calm and down-regulation of nervous systems. (5910: Room 232; BCE: front offices suite; BCS: Rooms A129 & C328)​​​​​​​

    • Mindful movement video shorts Guided breathing and movement for emotional energy release

    • Mindfulness videos Awareness and down-regulation based on topic areas