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Current Community Wellbeing Campaigns

winter Wellness opportunities

The Frosty Four Challenge from Hennepin County has a four-week campaign to help support implementing and sustaining daily wellness habits. Each week focuses on a different topic, along with a list of options to try and notice which practices are the best fit for your needs and interests. You choose which practices you want to work into your routine and make note of how you feel when you implement them. Invite housemates, friends and colleagues to join you. Email to let us know how the challenge impacted you!   

Colder seasons generally means many people move less as we seek more warmth indoors. However, there are many ways to navigate the outdoors safely. Check the following resource from the BCCS Safe Routes To School Specialist, Mary Edmunds.

Check out the following resources from Alliance For A Healthier Generation for suggestions to increase our physical activity even when inside. Try a few of them with your household and notice how moving more impacts your physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing.

Staff Wellness Sessions


EMPLOYEE WELLNESS SERVICES APPOINTMENTSBCCS staff have access to 1:1 or small group instruction or coaching in a variety of wellness modalities. Employees may visit the staff intranet for more information and to access the scheduling link. 


Six-week basic nutrition education cohorts are available for Brooklyn Center Community Schools stakeholders aged 14+ on a seasonal basis. Cohorts are filled and begin as groups are ready. Content such as, reading nutrition labels, types of sugars and types of grains, individual and cultural food needs and interests, and more are covered. Cohorts generally meet weekly for 45 minutes, in person or on Zoom. Contact the Wellbeing Specialist, Michelle Auld, at to express your interest and get added to the list or for more information. 



BCCS is proud of our on-going initiative, "Growing BC!" This comprehensive and multidisciplinary project engages the cross-collaboration of the district's Curriculum and Instruction, Community Engagement, Wellness, Nutrition Services and Facilities departments, along with many external district partners to increase access to the outdoors and high-quality learning opportunities in nature. Scroll to the bottom section of the page to read through the list of some of the opportunities available. 

BCCS recognizes that exposure to scented products in schols has potential negative impacts on the health of students and staff. The district is a fragrance-friendly environment to support the health of all stakeholders. As such, chemical air fresheners are not to be used. The use of scented products that produce a scent strong enough to be perceived by others, including, but not limited to aerosol products, colognes, perfumes, after-shave products, body sprays, room sprays and other fragrance products is discouraged. 

The Share The Air posters are posted in the buildings, and are available for printing to post in classrooms and office spaces.