School Board
School board meetings are open to the public. Students, staff, and community members are encouraged to come to the meetings to observe and influence the key decisions that affect student academic achievement and school district operations.
Meeting agendas are decided in advance of each meeting and summaries are posted online following the meeting.
If you can’t make it to a meeting, please consider contacting school board members by email.
Are you a student interested in applying for our student board representatives?
School Board Policies
For additional information, please contact Tammy Albers, Director of Human Resources at
Upcoming School Board Meeting
Click here to join the meeting
All School Board meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. Additional special meetings may be called. In such cases, notification will be posted on the official board at the district office.
2025 Meetings:
February 10 -Regular Business Meeting
February 24 -Work Session
March 10 -Regular Business Meeting
March 24 -No Work Session*- Spring Break
April 14 -Regular Business Meeting
April 28 -Work Session
May 12 -Regular Business Meeting
May 26 -No Work Session*- Holiday
June 9 -Regular Business Meeting
June 23 Work session
July 14 Regular
July 28 No Work Session*
August 11 Regular
August 25 No Work Session*- Visit Open Houses
September 8 Regular
September 22 Work session
October 13 Regular (Indigenous Peoples Day)
October 27 Work session
November 10 Regular
November 24 Work session
December 8 Budget Hearing /Regular Meeting
December 22 No Work Session*- Winter Break
Meet our School Board Members
Cheryl Jechorek, chair
Term: 2023-2027
Connect with Cheryl Jechorek at
- How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
- What is your profession?
- Why are you passionate about education?
- What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
What is your profession?
Why are you passionate about education?
What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
Richard Zeck, Vice Chair
Term: 2023-2027
Connect with Richard Zeck at
- How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
- What is your profession?
- Why are you passionate about education?
- What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
What is your profession?
Why are you passionate about education?
What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
Janelle Collier, Treasurer
Term: January 2024 - January 2027
Connect with Janelle Collier at
- How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
- What is your profession?
- Why are you passionate about education?
- what are you looking forward to as you begin your term with the school board?
How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
What is your profession?
Why are you passionate about education?
what are you looking forward to as you begin your term with the school board?
Janelle Collier, treasurer
Amy Bailey, Clerk
Term: 2025-2029
Connect with Amy Bailey at
- How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
- What is your profession?
- Why are you passionate about education?
- What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
What is your profession?
Why are you passionate about education?
What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
Ruthie Dallas
Term: 2025-2029
Connect with Ruthie Dallas at
- How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
- What is your profession?
- Why are you passionate about education?
- What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
What is your profession?
Why are you passionate about education?
What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
Mary O'Connor
Term: 2025-2029
Connect with Mary O'Connor at
- How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
- What is your profession?
- Why are you passionate about education?
- What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
How long have you lived in Brooklyn Center?
What is your profession?
Why are you passionate about education?
What is one of your favorite memories with students as a school board member?
The School Board will strive to give citizens of the school district (taxpayer, parent, staff member) an opportunity to be heard and to have comments considered and evaluated, within the limits of the law and District policy subject to reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions.
At least 15 minutes prior to each meeting, a speaker card will be available at the meeting site for citizens to sign up to provide comments on a topic that is on the agenda. Individuals are asked to sign their name, phone number, mailing address, school represented, and give a brief summary of the intended statement or question(s) they would like answered. Once the Open Forum has begun NO additional cards will be accepted.
In addition, citizens who wish to address the School Board on a particular subject should identify the agenda item(s) to which their comments pertain and will have an opportunity to speak during the Open Forum portion before the Business Meeting. The rules of the Open Forum are established by the Board and must be followed by participants.
Open Forum Comment guidelines are as follows:
1. Speakers shall complete a speaker card prior to speaking (Found at the sign-in desk at the meeting, or by emailing
2. Time limits: three minutes per speaker. Longer time may be granted at the discretion of the Board Chair.
3. The Board Chair (or designee) will facilitate the Open Forum and will call on speakers. One person at a time will speak so everyone can hear.The School Board is interested in your comments and will listen carefully but does not respond or debate issues in this forum. Board members may ask clarifying questions or seek additional information, but they will not make decisions.
Comments and interactions between Board members and the public are expected to be respectful, courteous and professional, and civil. The Board Chair will be responsible for ensuring that interaction meets these standards and will disallow inappropriate interactions.
Attacks against individuals, programs, or groups by anyone addressing the Board are unacceptable and will terminate the person’s privilege to address the Board. Due to data privacy laws referring to an individual by name will be ruled out of order. Speakers unwilling to abide by the rules or time constraints will be asked to stop.
Depending upon the number of persons in attendance seeking to be heard, the School Board reserves the right to impose such other limitations and restrictions as necessary in order to provide an orderly, efficient, and fair opportunity for those present to be heard.
Brooklyn Center Community Schools has three board seats on the November 5 general election ballot.
The following four community members have filed their affidavits of candidacy and will appear on the ballot: Ruthie Dallas, Amy Bailey, Aubrey Woksonsommers, and Mary O’Connor.
BCCS is also has a Capital Projects Levy question on the November 5 ballot. If approved by residents, The Capital Projects Levy for Technology would provide approximately $700,000 per year for 10 years to fund technology updates, enhanced safety and security systems, and instructional resources and training. Click here to learn more.
If you have any questions regarding the election, please contact the district at 763-450-3386.
Brooklyn Center Community Schools will hold a special election on November 7, 2023 to select a candidate for an open school board seat.
Last year, the school district held an election for three open seats. There was one candidate that filed for re-election (Cheryl Jechorek) and three that filed new affidavits of candidacy (Richard Zeck, Lauren Racer, and Aubry Woksonsommers). According to state statute, at the time of the election, Lauren Racer was no longer eligible to serve on the school board due to her employment by the BCCS district.
The school board appointed John Solomon to hold the position until a special election is held on November 7, 2023.
Two community members, Janelle Collier and Mary O’Connor, have filed their affidavits of candidacy and will appear on the ballot in November.
If you have any questions regarding the special election, please contact the district at 763-450-3386.
Three Brooklyn Center Community Schools’ School Board seats and one special election seat were on the Tuesday, November 8, 2022 General Election ballot. These seats are currently held by Cheryl Jechorek, Ben Woksonsommers, John Solomon, and Mary Benrud-Gachie.
Cheryl Jechorek filed for re-election. Richard Zeck, Lauren Racer, and Aubry Woksonsommers also filed affidavits of candidacy.
Cheryl Jechorek: 1,155 votes
*Lauren Racer: 1,092 votes
Aubry Woksonsommers: 1,284 votes
Richard Zeck: 997 votes
*According to the state statute, Lauren Racer is no longer eligible to serve on the school board due to her employment by the BCCS district. The school board will appoint a member for her seat and run a special election in the Fall of 2023.
Cheryl Jechorek, and Richard Zeck will join the BCCS School Board for new four-year terms beginning January 2023, as reported on the Minnesota Secretary of State's website. Aubry Woksonsommers will join the BCCS School Board for a new two-year term beginning January 2023, as reported on the Minnesota Secretary of State's website.
Voting results are unofficial until canvassed by the School Board at its next business meeting on Monday, November 14, 2022.