Gifted Services
In Brooklyn Center Community Schools, we believe Gifted and Talented students...
- are found in all ages, genders, cultures, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. They might also qualify for English Language or Special Education services.
- demonstrate high performance or show the potential for high performance when compared to others of their age, experience, or background. They display a high level of divergent, critical, creative, logical and abstract thinking and a strong ability to problem solve and synthesize knowledge.
- have intellectual, pacing, and creative needs that demand experiences apart from, but connected to, the regular classroom. They might have social or emotional needs that require additional support.
- need to be identified using multiple criteria
- are, like all students, diverse in their learning styles, interests, and abilities
Gifted and Talented Program Goals:
- Create a time and place where gifted students can talk to other gifted students
- Create opportunity for academic enrichment and challenge. Gifted does not mean easy. It should also not mean more work.
- Support gifted students emotional and social needs
How are students identified?
Students are identified for gifted services through a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, whole class thinking lessons with performance assessments, and achievement and testing.
Gifted and talented Programs
We offer the following Gifted and Talented programs and instruction:
- Individual or small group programming as necessary
- Formal Gifted identification in Grades 3-5 weekly pull-out classes
- Young Scholars Program targeting underrepresented students in Grades 1-2 who show high potential in weekly pull-out classes.
Young Scholars
Young Scholars is a research-based academic model designed to validate and support high potential students. It provides and encourages students to seek out academic challenges, advocates for high potential students, and helps prepare them to quality for future advanced courses.
How are students identified as Young Scholars?
All students participate in thinking lessons. The thinking lessons are often new to all children so their background experiences are not an advantage or disadvantage. As students engage in the lessons, we look for strengths in different ways of thinking.
What does Young Scholars programming include?
- working on puzzles and challenges that develop the divergent, convergent, visual and evaluative thinking skills
- completing activities that connect to grade level reading and math
- developing skills to be a successful student
- talking about college and career choices